mockingbirdjuniper branch

Croning Muse

The Ocean Will Have Us All

The Moon will conjoin the Sun at 14°23' Cancer on July 5 forming the first New Moon of Summer in the Northern Hemisphere (or Winter in the Southern). The Sabian Symbol for the 15th degree of Cancer:


Sounds nice and appropriate for Cancer times. The water flows clear, bright and sweet. Sabian Symbols often do speak to me but, to be honest, I'm not feeling this one at this (balsamic) moment. I do feel its potential twinkling in the air (Cheers and sorry to be a bummer!), but I'm also feeling the undercurrents of a different water. Neptune and Saturn are making themselves felt as they slowly turn like massive barges in the vast waters of Pisces, their fates now deadlocked on the attractor of their meeting in 2026.

These choice words from a 1974 John Cale creation are what inspired today's thoughts.

Artist: John Cale
Album: Fear
Released: October, 1974
Label: Island Records

Dark forest with the moon arising
Smiling at you out of reach
Cracked window in a chapel dreaming
Hoping for the twain to meet

Barracuda, barracuda
Won't you lay down your life for me?
Won't you love me, barracuda
If you always need to bring out the worst in me?

(Full lyrics here )

Wistful, not really hopeful. The Moon won't start smiling at us until she begins to peak out from under the Sun's beams a few days after the conjunction on the 5th, but we are already deep in these waters and there be dragons. There is a sense of a murky, lurky undertow and the need to swim with care.

What kind of care? That, I think, is the question. How are you expressing your care? How is it received? (Are you sure?) How are you experiencing your care or the care of others, if you are so lucky? Is it too heavy? Is that affecting your interactions? With the Nodes of the Moon in Aries/Libra, the places of "Me" and "We", considerations of how all of this pertains to Self and Other are almost too on the nose. How do we navigate this mileu our past selves have constructed for our present selves to swim in? What all have we buried down there in the deep and chosen to ignore while it grows large and angry? What are we burying now for our future selves to discover? Have we populated our emotional waters with naval mines? Have we trained each other to be barracudas?

The reference to the cracked window in the chapel and the hoping for the twain to meet is what most caught my ear, though. It calls to mind the Sabian Symbol for 2° Capricorn, where the last Full Moon occurred on June 21, just after the Solstice and still very felt at the time of this writing:


This image seemed pretty prescient on many levels to me at the time, and still does. The place where the light comes through, all filtered and beautiful and rosy, has been fractured by conflict and now unfiltered light is spilling into the space, doing what unfiltered light does. A beloved institution--or at least its image--has been damaged. We can't unknow what we know and we're still hoping for the twain to meet.

Speaking as a Capricorn, this time between two Capricorn Full Moons feels like a liminal space, and not just symbolically. It's an interesting feeling and, yes, that only happens once in a Blue Moon. The next Full Moon will occur on July 21 at 29°08' Capricorn. Godsspeed and always in good faith.

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