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Croning Muse

Pluto's Inauguration

Pluto is moving retrograde through the first degree of Aquarius back toward Capricorn and it's calling to mind the ceremonious movements surrounding Pluto's first ingress into Aquarius on January 20.


It felt to me like a somber celebration with a thread of glee running underneath. Full of pomp and circumstance--all bows and pirouettes and compressed energy. The inner planets queued up in Capricorn, fresh from trines to Chiron and the North Node, squaring Neptune and sextiling Saturn on the way in. Then, with all in place, Sun escorted Pluto over the threshold of Capricorn into Aquarius. Capricorns everywhere issued a collective sigh of relief. There seemed to be a hush over everything.

Then, each in their turn, the inner planets payed their respects to Pluto at the gate of Aquarius, trined Jupiter, squared Chiron, trined Uranus, then squared the North Node. There's a feel of a staccato sort of rhythm when the planets bunch up like that. Everything had touched everything and the stage was set. Places! The spring eclipses seemed so far away in January. So did the Jupiter - Uranus conjunction. Now the inner planets are slowly spreading out again and that sense of punctuated regularity is dissipating. Mercury, Venus and the Sun and Moon together have squared the Nodes and the story moves on. Mars is lagging behind, as he has big business in Taurus. Mars will be the last to conjoin Uranus for yet another landmark 2024 moment. What a show.

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